Hard disk failure happens for several reasons – a power failure, virus infection, a bad installation, and many other things that can lead to strange behaviours.
In this post we will show you how you can diagnose and solve your hard disk problems with the default tools in WIndows 7.
Note: The order is not random. Follow these steps, according to their orders, to see if the issues get solved.
1. Using Windows 7 Error Checking Tools
Sometimes when we found a problem, we tend to install third party applications and forget about the basic tools that come bundled with Windows. Unknown to many, many complex issues can be easily fixed using programs that are part of Windows operating system since its first release. A simple interface doesn’t mean it is a useless utilty.
First, double click “My Computer”.
Now select the drive you want to inspect and right click:
Go to tools tab, and click “Check now…”:
Now, check that you select automatically fix and scan for bad sectors:
If Windows cannot perform the checking because the disk is in use, it will ask to schedule the next time you start your computer.
2. Using Windows 7 Recovery CD
Other way to check your hard disk is using the Windows 7 Recovery CD. These tools can be found in the Windows 7 CD or with a System Repair CD. You can learn how to do it here:
You can use this CD to look for problems in your hard disk. You have to boot your computer with this CD. Once you have selected your language, you will see a window asking what tool you want to start. In this case we are going to use the command prompt:
Once you do that type “
chkdsk c: /R
” and press Enter to launch the application:
The verification process has 5 stages. CHKDSK verify files, indexes, security descriptors, USN Journal, file data and free space.
3. Using System File Checker
Not all files in your computer are essentials for your operating system. System File Checker will check those files and solve any integrity problem.
Use the find utility in the start menu. Type “cmd”, rigth click and select “Run as administrator”.
Now in the command window, type
"sfc /scannow"
and press Enter.
The result will inform you if there is any integrity violations.
for more help click-here
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